Bachelor Thesis:°Noko - Natural Contraception with a new approach

What is °Noko?

°Noko is a device that helps with natural contraception by measuring basal temperature. To effectively use this method, it is important to measure temperature at the same time every day, with a maximum variance of two hours. °Noko helps the user to ensure reliable measurements.

I worked on °Noko during my bachelor's diploma project at ZHdK. The project was also showcased at the Global Grad Show during Dubai Design Week in November 2017.

About the project

  • What: Bachelor in Product Design at ZHdK

  • When: Graduation Summer 2017 at ZHdK

  • Exhibition: November 2017 at the Global Grad Show in Dubai

  • Final Grade: A

My motivation

There is an increasing trend towards hormone-free contraceptives, particularly among women in long-term relationships. Moreover, female health tracking has become a popular lifestyle trend that even popular tracking apps cannot ignore. Unfortunately, many of the products currently available do not meet the needs of women who value a balance between technology and lifestyle. °Noko is an innovative product that wakes the user up with adjustable light and tone signals and allows them to take their temperature with ease. This simplistic approach helps the user maintain a healthy sleep schedule without any disturbance during the measurement process.

The design process

Do you have any thoughts on using "personas" as an ideation technique? Personally, I have found them to be useful at times, but more often than not, it feels like I am being pushed to think in stereotypes and have preconceived notions. In light of this, I created °Noko without the use of personas. Instead, I focused on using insights from interviews, creating use cases and mindsets, as well as empathy mappings, user story mappings, Arduino prototypes, and 3D printing to guide my process.